Pearson Airport Transportation INC Provides Land Border Crossing Transportation For You 24/7
Before travelling ensure the following

At the border
You will be assessed, regardless of citizenship, upon arrival to Canada. Entry screening is one of many important public health tools. It is part of a multi-layered government response strategy.
When you arrive in Canada by air or land, a Border Services Officer will ask you:
the purpose of your trip
whether you are feeling ill or unwell
other questions as needed to complete their assessment
Officers will look for signs of illness, regardless of how you respond to screening questions. They will refer any traveller they suspect is ill for a further medical assessment by the Public Health Agency of Canada.
You must:
Wear a mask
Provide required information and documents, including:
Your ArriveCAN receipt
Proof of valid COVID-19 molecular test
Follow all usual border crossing procedures (not related to COVID-19)
omply with:
mandatory quarantine requirements
provincial and territorial restrictions

All travellers entering Canada are given a Public Health Agency of Canada handout with instructions to quarantine for 14 days.
False information and compliance with the Emergency Order
If you provide false information, you may be denied entry and/or be banned from returning to Canada.
These tests are considered acceptable molecular tests:
Exempt from pre-arrival testing for travellers arriving by land
PCR - Polymerase chain reaction
RT-PCR – reverse transcription real time PCR
Quantitative PCR (qPCR)
Nucleic acid test (NAT) or Nucleic acid amplification test (NAATs)
Reverse transcription loop-mediated isothermal amplification (RT-LAMP)
Isothermal amplification
Droplet digital PCR or digital droplet PCR (ddPCR)
RNA (Ribonucleic acid)
Ct (cycle threshold)
Next generational sequencing (NGS) or whole genome sequencing (WGS)
Oxford Nanopore sequencing (LamPORE)
Detection of the N gene
Detection of Orf1a/b
Detection of the S gene
Detection of the E gene
Detection of the RdRp gene
These tests use methods such as a nasopharyngeal (NP) swab, nose swab, or saliva sample. At this time, proof of having a vaccine will not replace a negative test result.
The government will notify travellers should it become mandatory to obtain COVID-19 molecular tests from specific accredited laboratories or facilities.
Who is exempt from quarantine
You may be exempt from the mandatory quarantine requirements under certain conditions, including if you:
provide essential services
maintain the flow of essential goods or people
are receiving medical care within 36 hours of entering Canada (non-related to COVID-19)
regularly cross the border to work
live in an integrated trans-border community
There are strict requirements you must follow even if you are exempt from quarantine. You must:
wear a mask at all times when in public spaces
maintain a list of all close contacts for your first 14 days in Canada
Although your reason for entering Canada may fall under an exemption, you may still have to follow certain provincial and territorial restrictions (which may include quarantine), depending on your destination. Being exempt from quarantine does not mean you’re exempt from the pre-boarding test requirements.
For more info please vist CANADA website.
for any concerns.